how can paid media boost your inbound marketing efforts

How Can Paid Media Boost Your Inbound Marketing Efforts?

Start A Podcast or Live Webinars

If you’re looking to start a podcast, there are several things you should consider before jumping into the deep end. First, make sure you have a good idea of what kind of show you want to do. Do you want to talk about a particular subject or industry? Or would you prefer to interview experts in your field? Once you have a clear vision of what you want to cover, think about how often you plan to release new episodes. You’ll need to decide whether you want to produce each episode yourself or outsource production work to a professional team. Finally, choose a platform where you can share your podcasts. There are plenty of options available, so take some time to research them and find one that works well for you.

The alternative to standard Podcasts are Live Webinars.  At Claymore Digital we are able connect up to 8 cameras and the latest wireless microphones to ensure that you can run a professional live event instead of something recorded on your phone!

Alternatively, you can hold live events using your laptop and webcam and use screen recording software to use the video of the event for further promotion online afterwards.

Create a Landing Page

A landing page is an effective way to promote your business and attract leads. It’s also a great place to collect contact information. To set up a landing page, use your editor part of your website to create the different sections of your site after you have clearly thought about what images, video and text that you would like to use and also what call to actions have you on the page?  Please ensure that you have reviews/customer case studies and anything else that helps reassure them to use your product or service.

Build an Email List

Once you have a landing page, you need to build an email list. You can do this by offering a freebie, discount or a guide that will help your customers.  Asking people to sign up for updates and the latest discounts, offers or new products will help you stay top of mind with potential customers.

Write Blog Posts That Convert

If you write blog posts that convert, you’ll see more leads come through your site. To make sure your blog posts convert, start by writing them for your ideal customer. Then, use keyword research to find out what customers are looking for information on.  E.g. giving them tips, guides and educating them on a relevant subject will attract potential customers who have a higher buying intent or at the stage where they are considering buying your product or service.

Promote Your Social Media Presence

You should also promote your social media presence. This includes posting links to your website and sharing your content with other people. It’s easy to share content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and Tumblr.

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